Monday, May 25, 2020
Ethical Issues Can Be Described As Breaking The Rules
Ethical issues can easily be described as breaking the rules, however an ethical issue is a problem that causes an institute or person to make a choice between what is wrong and what is right. In the case study, Mr. Arjmenian believed that the funding for the Pine Falls Regatta were being misused. Although there was not much detail provided as to why he believed this, I would think that the 100-page letter he sent to the regatta board of directors would offer much explanation. Also, it has been noted that he believed that Mr. Foster spent nearly $200,000 for personal use and could not explain large deposits to his bank account. With this information I believe that there were several relevant ethical issues to include theft, embezzlement, corruption, a conflict of interest and whistleblowing. You could also say that these ethical issues are directly related to both lying and deception. Employee theft is a very common workplace ethics violation, as is embezzlement. With very similar definitions theft is the stealing of another person’s property. California law describes embezzlement as â€Å"the fraudulent appropriation of property by a person to whom it was entrusted.†Essentially, embezzlement is the use of something (money in this case) in a way other than the owner intended it to be used. I would say this case involved both theft and embezzlement. Theft in the form of state, local and county funds and embezzlement through the misuse of these fund. This case doesn’tShow MoreRelatedPolice Ethics Essay867 Words  | 4 Pages Vol. 105, Issue 8) In the Bibles story of Adam and Eve, God cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden as a punishment for breaking the rules. (The Holy Bible: Genesis Ch.3) These types of historical records display the fact that law enforcers have always existed. Just as law enforcers have always existed, so h ave ethical issues surrounding the authority exercised by these individuals. 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Patient confidentially can be described as; medical information should not be disseminated by the doctor and disclosed to any other person or organization until or unless there are specific circumstances requiring distribution of the information or permission has been obtained fromRead MoreDescribe the Social Implications of Business Ethics Facing a Selected Business in Its Different Areas of Activity988 Words  | 4 Pagessocial implications such as trade unions and protest groups. I will then describe how these groups may affect my organisation. Government policies - The government creates the rules behind how a business is run and how it can interact with competition and other business. The government has the ability to change these rules and also the framework which then means that the business has to change the way in which it operates. An example of when a business has had to change the way it operated due
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Truth Is Found Deep Within The Soul - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1041 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/04/01 Category Society Essay Level High school Topics: Truth Essay Did you like this example? Caring for the soul can be difficult and I find that some people lack soul at all. By accepting our weaknesses, gives us the power to help heal the soul. We can heal the soul and care for it in several ways, which include; accepting our faults and learning from them, by giving it our all in things and trying to make the best of terrible situations, and understanding and listening to our souls needs to thrive. Moore claims that without soul, whatever we find will be unsatisfying, for what we truly long for in the soul in each of these areas (xvi). He then goes on to explain what a soulful personality consists of, Complicated, multifaceted, and shaped by both pain and pleasure, success and failure (xvi). Can someone be satisfied by something they love without having a soul? No, I dont believe they can. A man that has all the money in the world can lack romance if he doesnt have a soul. To truly love someone other than yourself you would have to have soul. Soul is like 6th sense. Its feeling, seeing, touching, smelling, hearing, and soulful. Without these components I dont think it would be satisfying in any way. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Truth Is Found Deep Within The Soul" essay for you Create order When Moore is talking to the man who hates his job, he asks him have you ever thought of being where you are, of entering fully this job that youre putting your time and energy into? (8). He doesnt tell him to chase his dreams, in other words Moore is telling this man that if he gives it a try and puts his energy into his work and engages in his work then he might find it easier to do his job and find it more enjoyable. This is a man who has been working for over ten years in the same place. In my opinion, I like how Moore handles this. If the gentleman really disliked this job there is no way he would stick around. There had to be some form of love for the job without realizing it. I personally have left jobs I didnt like and never gave it a second thought on how it would affect the business. Even now, I have a job where its not the job that I dont like its the co-workers, but I have learned to go in and just do the job and try to make it the best possible day whether its telling j okes, or just making another smile. I do find it disowning the soul (9), to go in and not giving the job a fighting chance. Moore claims that by trying to avoid human mistakes and failures, we move beyond the reach of soul (9). Is it soulful to make mistakes and have failures in life? Some people would think that having a soul means being genuine and kind. Moore states that it can be hard to honor the soul when the soul is trying to express itself through unexpected ways. I think the soul is always tested through our decisions in life. I feel that mistakes and failures are a part of what helps the soul thrive in possible ways. Someone who is an A student gets an F on an exam, would think they are a failure, but in return would work harder for a possible feed to the soul. Im not saying that making bad choices makes one to not have a soul, but I think it is important to accept our mistakes and face our failures, so the soul can thrive. Its about balancing ones soul. When I think of this, I always picture a childs teeter-totter. One side is mistakes and failures, while the other side is success and prosperi ty. Accepting ones faults and mistakes help us to keep our soul in reach. Can you really care for the soul if you do nothing? Moore talks about how nature heals, and all you have to do is not-doing (12). How is this possible. Moore says how observance has power. Is he right? If you are observing a birth of a child, do you feel connected to it? When I had my child, it changed me. Not in a bad way, but I felt love that I havent felt. And every birthday since I get this warm feeling, that affects me in a deeper way. Some other examples of a deep connection in observing while having that not-doing is gazing at stars at night, it puts you in a trance almost. Or something that may make you feel deeper in the soul, maybe witnessing a tragedy. Sometimes it feels like we need to do something when we lose control of things, but what others dont realize is sometimes doing nothing is better for the care of the soul after all. Can the soul be cured? When Moore talks about cure vs. care he tells us that cure is something that has an end to the problem itself, where as care is something that is continuous, like a daily maintenance of life. Curing is relatively easy and cure is something that takes discipline in caring for something everyday. He said there is no end (19). So how can we continue to care for something everyday in our lives? For example, having a pet. You get up, you let your dog out, you give him water and food, endless belly rubs, lots of love, yet you give him discipline when there is an accident on the floor. Its a daily routine. Caring is a lot harder to do, but it can be done! It transforms you and you become more aware of the changes as it happens. Its so amazing how life changes. When we see it as a continuation of care, it lets us stop and observe our surroundings. Moore says this is a good way to reflect on life. In conclusion, I feel Moores views are genuine and I agree with his claims and strategies of caring for the soul. Without soul, I feel this world would be doomed, because there would be chaos with no remorse for life itself. The uniqueness of a person is made up of the insane and the twisted as much as it is of the rational and normal (20).
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
High School Relationships Are Ridiculous Because The Partners
High school relationships are ridiculous because the partners â€Å"pretend†their feelings to act out the aspects of love, when in actuality couple really don’t know what they are doing. Between the â€Å"I love you†and the â€Å"there’s not a second where you are not in my mind†, what else is there in a relationship? High Schoolers tend to get attached easily and don’t know the true meaning of what love really is. How can a power so strong be determined within the first two weeks talking to someone? Do they really love each other? Love can mean two different things when it comes to high school; â€Å"I love you†, meaning the couple wants to be together 24/7 and are already planning a wedding. Or with meaning two, representing the love of friendship and†¦show more content†¦Only two percent of high school relationships work out through college†¦ underclassman do not see this, and think that that small percentage is much higher, undeniably believing that they will be with their lover forever. They don’t have the real-life experiences. The younger freshman think that their love-life will be like the movies and â€Å"happy ending†storybooks that they have been brought up with all their lives. In the end, when your â€Å"high school lover†leaves you and you don’t know what to do with your life, you can turn towards your friends, who for the majority of the time, with be there to help you cope through the heartbreak. Furthermore, as I said earlier, lower classman tend to say more than what they actually mean. For some odd reason, it is always the lower classman you see dating upperclassmen. Is it because they think they’re cool? The older the better? Lower classman come into high school as â€Å"fresh meat†, some scared and while others come in with a big head. According to Psychology Today, there are two types of people, â€Å"A secure attachment pattern, a person is confident and self- possessed and is able to easily interact with others, meeting both their own and another’s needs†. I feel as if this is a typical underclassman, easily able to attach and depend on another person because they don’t know what a heartbreak is. The second person, â€Å"... When there is an anxious or avoidant attachment pattern, andShow MoreRelatedEndless Love Is A Romance Directed By Shana Feste1053 Words  | 5 PagesThe film Endless Love is a romance directed by Shana Feste in 2014 about 17 year-old Jade Butterfield (Gabriella Wilde) who meets and falls in love with a fellow high school student, David Elliot (Alex Pettyfer). Jade wasn’t the average high school student after her brother passed away. She spent all her time with her parents and other brother, Keith Butterfield (Rhys Wakefield). Considering Jade’s dad, Hugh Butterfield (Bruce Greenwood), doesn’t like the young lady she becomes while dating DavidRead MoreThe History Of Marriage And How Marriage Evolved Essay1506 Words  | 7 Pagesfamily name going and to keep alliances within their families. 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Christian Cisneros.1396 Words  | 6 Pagespublic schools have become popular because of a law giving millions of dollars to schools that teach the programs. These programs have the good intention of persuading young people to wait until marriage before having sex, but abstinence-only programs are not achieving this goal and are flawed by the distorted and biased perspective that they promote. In 1996, the United States government passed a law giving funding to states that offered abstinence-only programs in public schools. Since
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
4G and Beyond Bringing Networks
Question: Discuss about the 4G and Beyond for Bringing Networks. Answer: Introduction 4G refers to the instances where a mobile device can be able to exchange mobile data at speeds exceeding 100mbs. Previous technologies were much slower, and did not prioritise data transmission. With the increase of 4G mobile devises and networks, it has been suggested that the era of pervasive computing, where connections across geographically dispersed areas will be seamless, is a possibility. 4G is a label which, like its predecessors, has been applied to both hardware and mobile networks alike. This paper will look at the background, status and expected impact of 4G networks (Berndt, 2008). The initial mobile devices and networks prioritised voice over all other services, including data. As the capacity increased, and data became a more important aspect of consumers demand, mobile networks companies and mobile device producers moved away from voice, to focus on other services as well. The first generation devices and were based on analogue protocol, and were almost entirely focused on voice. The second generation products were a drastic step form this. While having increased coverage, the 2G service was able to integrate digital standards for the first time. However, the service remained essentially voice based. Where the 1G phone could communicate at speeds averaging at a partly 2.4kbps, 2G could transmit data at 64kbps (Berndt, 2008). 3G was still designed for voice, though with a stronger emphasis on data than the rest. With 3G, firms could speak of being able to provide mobile broadband, a term that had not been used to refer to mobile technology up to that time. Data speeds saw a massive improvement yet again, jumping to an average of 2mbps. 4G has however redefined mobile communications. Coming at a time when more and more phones will be smart, and therefore specially tailored for data based services, 4G is specially designed for data, with voice communication being relegated for the first time. The technology is truly broadband, and uses IP protocols. It has speeds that average 100mpbs (Berndt, 2008). Mobile phone users, and especially those who use Smartphones, have become ever more demanding on the quality of service they require form their network providers and device manufacturers. Among other things, the market increasingly wants value for money, with smart phones being cheaper and more accessible. They also expect to be given support, and better tariffs. More importantly though, the market demands exemplary network performance, sometimes equated to increased connection speeds, which 4G networks are able to provide Wilkinson, 2011). While 4G has become ever more common around the world, it has also been used by businesses as a marketing gimmick. For instance, the first phone billed as a 4G phone is likely to have been 3G, sue to the level of mobile technology advancement at the time (2010). While there are several genuine 4G technologies today networks and devices, it is also likely that a large chunk of those who claim to be 4G are in actual sense other categories of 3G. Despite these issues, 4G technology has continued to advance and become even better (Sauter, 2013). Since the inception of 4G networks in early 2010s, there has been remarkable progress in improving mobile phone communications. As indicated before mobile communication is increasingly data based, with voice communication either been carried out digitally, or becoming less important on the analogue platforms. In the near future, 4G networks are expected to improve their speeds, reaching up to 1gbps. This will also be available to lower mobility users. It will be much simpler to use HTML, JAVA and other computing tools and applications using this faster version of 4G (Wilkinson, 2011). Conclusion Mobile phone technology has seen improving fast since the first mobile phone was unveiled in 1983. Over the years, mobile phone technologies have gradually shifted from voice only to taking on more services, including data. This has ushered in the era of 4G, a technology billed as having the fastest data transmission rates ever. However, this is only the start. In future, the speed is expected to be even greater. This will be motivated by the desire to satisfy customers, who demand faster speeds and greater support from network operators and device manufacturers. References Berndt, H. (2008). Towards 4G technologies: services with initiative. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons. Sauter, M. (2013). 3G, 4G and Beyond: Bringing Networks, Devices and the Web Together. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons. Wilkinson, C. (2011). Mobile Platforms: Getting Information on the Go. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group.
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