Thursday, August 27, 2020
The Legalization Of Marijuana Pros And Cons Essays -
The Legalization Of Marijuana: Pros and Cons The motivation behind this paper is to talk about pot and look at the two sides of the issue of authorizing pot. We have two groups battling each other ; one the individuals who are genius pot and the individuals who are hostile to pot. These two groups have been battling on this issue on the corridors of equity for a long time. Ace pot legitimization gatherings, for example, the Physician's Relationship for AIDS Care, National Lymphoma Foundation contend that maryjane ought to be legitimized so as to treat terminally sick patients. Among them are AIDS casualties who find that cannabis animates their cravings so they can ward off hazardous skinniness; glaucoma victims who have utilized maryjane said it has kept them from going visually impaired, and malignancy patients for whom it lightens the serious queasiness that is regularly goes with chemotherapy and some of the time makes lifesaving treatment unimaginable. Because of all these campaigning bunches which show generous proof that pot can be utilized as an endorsed sedate. Moreover numerous backers who are ace weed gripe that morphine and cocaine are lawful and are perilous medications, that raises the inquiry why not legitimize weed as clinical medication which is demonstrated to be less perilous than cocaine and morphine. Campaigning bunches in a San Diego, California , chamber board of trustees consistently casted a ballot to ask president Bill Clinton and congress to end government limitations against the utilization of weed for legitiment clinical use. City chamber ladies Christine kehoe said she needed the city of San Diego to go on the record we bolster the clinical use weed.; weed can be a medication of need in the treatment of AIDS, glaucoma, malignant growth and different sclerosis. '' Numerous organizations which are against weed, for example, Drug Requirement Agency and police divisions contend that maryjane shouldn't be legitimized. These organizations accept that maryjane shouldn't be legitimized in such a case that maryjane is to get legitimate at that point thousands additional patients utilizing weed. At that point individuals will bring up the issue why weed unlawful at all if its a medication. The primary motivation behind why the Drug Enforcement Agency doesn't need weed to be legitimate is on the grounds that their is no bad-to-the-bone proof that demonstrates that weed is a powerful medication as a medication. In twenty years of exploration have created no solid logical evidence that pot has clinical worth. The American Cancer Society , American Glaucoma Society,the National Multiple Sclerosis, the American Academy of Ophthalmology , or the American Medical Association , state that their is no proof that pot is a medication. The offices additionally contends that no other medication recommended is smoked and that realized discoveries show that cannabis is intensely destructive to AIDS, Cancer patients in light of the fact that the dynamic fixing in weed intensely lessens the bodies white platelets which ward off disease. The Drug Enforcement Agency alongside police offices everywhere throughout the United States accept, with the legitimization of medications wrongdoing will increment because of a higher increment of pot clients which will inevitably become addicts and will in any case or execute so as to get their medications. These are the primary concerns and reasons why the Drug named cannabis shouldn't be sanctioned in the United States of America. Seeing corner sides of the issue I arrive at a resolution that maryjane ought to be authorized so as to help individuals languishing from fatal sicknesses, for example, AIDS, Cancer and Glaucoma. Forbiddance of pot over the previous decades hasn't deminshed the interest of the medication in the United States. The utilization of pot has intensely went up because of the mass consideration given to weed by rappers, for example, Cypress Hill who advance the utilization of maryjane as a social medication. In any case, I accept that cannabis is here to remain in our general public and is just experiencing the phases that liquor had during the preclusion period. Maryjane will get legitimate because of the knew organization which is liberal and who's pioneer , president Bill Clinton who had intensely utilized cannabis during the nineteen sixties. Due to every one of these components pot will turn out to be all the more broadly acknowledged by the American individuals who will constrain congress to revamp the laws on the medication cannabis. Presently it won't be long until campaigning bunches compel the governing body to authorize it. Due to sanctioning numerous states will have the option to develop maryjane as a money crop, and the United States government will have the option to burden pot and make income off it. The income produced using pot will be in the millions which can be utilized for medicate recoveries and against medicate programs focused at rudimentary youngsters. Still by observing the two sides of the issue I'm still
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Dinner with Life free essay sample
In some cases the significance of youth gets away from me. On the off chance that adolescence is an everlasting play area, a spot that demolishes authenticity and grasps sentimentalism, at that point I share no association with it. I discovered that my reality would never resemble Alice in Wonderland; there is nothing of the sort as tossing alert into the air and meandering into the obscure to come back with my guiltlessness unblemished. Some accept that one’s youth reaches a conclusion when the person in question is acquainted with Death; incidentally, my youth finished when I encountered Life. Since I have met Death, I am good friends with Life. Demise snuck up on me when I was just five years of age. He moved toward me submerged and almost got hold of me yet I battled him with my entire being. At last, it struck me that this fight was not one I could battle alone, I hysterically glanced around to check whether anybody could offer me a hand. We will compose a custom exposition test on Supper with Life or then again any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Out of nowhere, I understood that nobody saw me. I was separated from everyone else. I surrendered. My quality was horrendously getting past me, and as my eyelids gradually brought down, I became inner voice of the way that I was going to bite the dust. In any case, seconds before Death had the option to have me, Life (as my sister Charline) got a handle on my hand and pulled me to the surface. It was at that point, while I was frantically wheezing for the breath of Life, that my blamelessness deserted me. The time had come to leave the play area and quit relaxing in my naivety. Before about suffocating, I was simply sharing a dinner and a couple of beverages with Life, as though I would see it again the following day. After that occurrence I understood the amount of an extravagance Life was. The vast majority get welcomed just a single time to eat with Life. For some exceptional explanation I was given another greeting, and this time, I needed to entertain myself. I guaranteed myself three things: to never abandon myself, to value each breath I breathe in, and to be out and out incredible. I calculated the most ideal approach to better myself was to better the ones around me, I began chipping in at an appetite help association. Each Wednesday throughout the late spring, subsequent to accepting a ten-minute talk on the best way to appropriately wash my hands, I proportioned and bundled food to be conveyed to the wiped out and the shut-in. Albeit getting up early required stopped recouping my occasionally nonexistent public activity, the appreciation I picked up in return for that penance that lowers me. I felt appreciation towards the staff for doing this kind of work for incalculable years and for consoling me with a light pat on the shoulder when I committed cumbersome errors. I felt thankful for each second I spent creation a distinction in somebody else’s life, on the grounds that as mushy as it sounds, it caused my life to feel progressively important. In spite of the entirety of this, I realize I have more exercises left to learn. It is hence that I don't just stroll forward. With Life close by, I run. On the off chance that I should abandon a couple of individuals in my quest for enormity, at that point it won't be futile. On the off chance that on my excursion to progress, I experience a separated street, at that point as Robert Frost once composed, I will take â€Å"the one less voyaged by.†With my shrewdness as my blade, and my confidence as my shield, I am prepared to overcome anything. In the event that I have just gotten away from Death, at that point what else remains?
Friday, August 21, 2020
4 Hottest Internet Marketing Techniques For Targeted Traffic
4 Hottest Internet Marketing Techniques For Targeted Traffic Make Money Online Queries? Struggling To Get Traffic To Your Blog? Sign Up On (HBB) Forum Now!4 Hot Internet Marketing Techniques For Targeted TrafficUpdated On 11/06/2019Author : Deepak EapenTopic : BloggingShort URL : CONNECT WITH HBB ON SOCIAL MEDIA Follow @HellBoundBlogThis is my first post on HBB. Though I was registered as a contributor since a long time I wasnt able to contribute anything till now. I am happy that I am able to do it now.In this post I have discussed 4 of the most smartest traffic generating methods that you can utilize to increase targeted visitors to your blog/website. I am sure these are quite conventional methods and most of the bloggers/IMers are aware of this, but I hope these might be useful for at least the absolute beginners or newbies.The techniques that I have discussed here are,1. Social Networking Sites2. Social Bookmarking Sites3. Guest Blogging4. Pay Per Click Ads1. Social Networking SitesSocial networking sites are a grea t traffic puller, if you know how to use them properly. Did you know that Facebook is visited by more than 250 million people on a daily basis which is next to Google? Now do you see the immense money-making potential from such massive traffic? You can surely get highly targeted traffic from social networking sites like Facebook if you do it right.Twitter and LinkedIn are other excellent places to spread the word about your website. The rule of ‘No Spamming’ very much exists on these social networking sites too. Interact with your followers or fans on a regular basis and post links on valuable information as well as off-topic links that invoke interest in your fans. You can occasionally post links pointing to your site or some valuable products or services too. This way your posts would look natural and informative to your fans or followers.Facebook Fan pages are a great way to promote your website. Facebook allows you to promote your fan page by installing the fan page widget c ode on your website. Here is a blog post tat I found on the internet that will teach you how to utilize Facebook Fan Pages effectively The Facebook Fan Page Recipe.2. Social bookmarking sitesSocial bookmarking sites allow you to submit your website URLs to them. By submitting your sites to social bookmarking sites you can increase your traffic as well as get high quality back links. This activity is also known as Social Media Optimization or SMO. Some of the popular social bookmarking sites are, Stumbleupon, Delicious, Mister-Wong, Reddit and Mixx. There are hundreds of them out there in the internet. If you are using a blog you can try out SexyBookmarks plug-in which will add social bookmarking icons at the end or beginning of each post.Tip: Onlywire is a great tool that allows you to post your webpage or blog post to dozens of social bookmarking sites with just a click of a button. It was free, but now I believe its going to be a paid service very soon.3. Gu est BloggingAs you know that, submitting your articles to others’ blogs is known as Guest Blogging. Some blogs openly advertise about guest blogging on their sites, but many won’t. So in that case you must first try to know more about the owner of the blog by frequently visiting his/her blog, reading the posts and leaving comments that add value. This way you will get noticed by the blog owner and over a period of time you will win his/her trust and confidence. Then you can try contacting him. Most blogs have a contact form through which you can contact the owner and ask whether he would allow you to post articles on his blog. If you are approved as a guest blogger you can start posting; but you must definitely make sure that your articles are original, of good quality and most importantly you adhere to the blogs quality standards. This way you can build quality back links as well as drive highly targeted traffic to your blog.READ5 Reasons Why You Should Not Outsource Blog Artic lesTo be a successful internet marketer you must develop a network of like minded bloggers in the same niche. You can do that by visiting their sites regularly and reading their posts, leaving a comment or even trying to catch up with them using Facebook or other social networking sites or forums or even in person. When you become a regular visitor to their blog and start leaving valuable comments with a link back to your site, you gradually start getting traffic and back links from those sites. Internet Marketing is all about developing a good relation and trust with your visitors and other bloggers.4. Pay-Per-Click Ads (PPC)Apart from free traffic generation methods, you can also resort to paid methods like PPC ads.One of the most popular PPC advertising programs is Google AdWords from Google. There are other equivalent PPC programs from Yahoo!, Bing and MSN and other search engines. PPC ads are contextual ads that will be displayed on the sides of search engine results as well as on publisher network which includes articles on article directories, blogs and websites. But how frequently your ads are displayed on these networks will depend on the budget that you have set. There are informative help documents on Google AdWords that will teach you how to advertise with them, so you must read them carefully before you get started with it. Please be aware that Google has a ZERO tolerance policy on their advertising standards, so If you dont play by their rules your account might get suspended for good in no time, and they wont even give you a second chance.Google AdWords also runs a FREE certification program that you can pursue. Once you successfully complete this program, you will become a Google AdWords Certified Professional .I hope these techniques will benefit you in your blogging and Internet Marketing ventures. Thanks very much for taking out your valuable time in reading my post.This article is written by Deepak Eapen. He has been into Internet Marketing /blogging/SEO for the past 2 years and owns multiple blogs and websites in different niches.
Monday, May 25, 2020
Ethical Issues Can Be Described As Breaking The Rules
Ethical issues can easily be described as breaking the rules, however an ethical issue is a problem that causes an institute or person to make a choice between what is wrong and what is right. In the case study, Mr. Arjmenian believed that the funding for the Pine Falls Regatta were being misused. Although there was not much detail provided as to why he believed this, I would think that the 100-page letter he sent to the regatta board of directors would offer much explanation. Also, it has been noted that he believed that Mr. Foster spent nearly $200,000 for personal use and could not explain large deposits to his bank account. With this information I believe that there were several relevant ethical issues to include theft, embezzlement, corruption, a conflict of interest and whistleblowing. You could also say that these ethical issues are directly related to both lying and deception. Employee theft is a very common workplace ethics violation, as is embezzlement. With very similar definitions theft is the stealing of another person’s property. California law describes embezzlement as â€Å"the fraudulent appropriation of property by a person to whom it was entrusted.†Essentially, embezzlement is the use of something (money in this case) in a way other than the owner intended it to be used. I would say this case involved both theft and embezzlement. Theft in the form of state, local and county funds and embezzlement through the misuse of these fund. This case doesn’tShow MoreRelatedPolice Ethics Essay867 Words  | 4 Pages Vol. 105, Issue 8) In the Bibles story of Adam and Eve, God cast Adam and Eve out of the Garden of Eden as a punishment for breaking the rules. (The Holy Bible: Genesis Ch.3) These types of historical records display the fact that law enforcers have always existed. Just as law enforcers have always existed, so h ave ethical issues surrounding the authority exercised by these individuals. Police corruption is a problem that has always existed. There are several factors that can explain theRead MoreQuestions on Ethical Problems734 Words  | 3 PagesDescribe an ethical problem you have confronted in a business situation The employer used to cut corners on nearly everything, almost as if it were a hobby. Sometimes the actions were harmless, but much of the time they were not. The employer would pick up food that fell on the floor and serve it to customers. A fellow employee noted that the employer did not ring up every transaction so that he could lie about his profits. He refused to give away the leftovers to the homeless society because, asRead MoreThe Code Of Ethics And Its Ethical Standards Essay1311 Words  | 6 Pageswhere first created in the 1960s and have been updated regularly since then. The Code of Ethics is an ethical benchmark for investment professionals around the world. The standards have generally been adopted regardless of job function, cultural differences and various laws that differ from country to country. As a CFA member, you are obligated to adhere to the code and its ethical standards. High ethical standards are imperative in preserving the public’s faith in economic markets and in the investmentsRead MoreEssay on Ethical Dilemmas and Normative Theories1358 Words  | 6 Pagesfacing John constitute an ethical dilemma? Using two normative theories of ethics comment on the ethical aspects of the situation. Business is an organisation or economic system where products and services are traded for money, a product or services. Businesses need investment or customers to make a profit and survive. In business, ethical issues may arise for example false advertising, misleading the public, exaggerations and disclaimers. In this case study the ethical issue identified is an exaggerationRead MoreThe Ethical Dilemma Associated With Fraternization811 Words  | 4 Pages Fraternization in an office can disrupt good order and discipline within a civilian company or in a military organization; even though it seem harmless it can leave an office and its ranks in disorder During this Session Long Project I will identify the ethical dilemma associated with fraternization, explain how the Utilitarian and Deontological Morality Ethics theory can be applied, I will also evaluate and explain if there can be a win-win solution to this issue and lastly I will explain the approachRead MoreEthical And M oral Aspects Of Unethical Practices1641 Words  | 7 PagesIntroduction Unethical practices by organizations in the oil sector are frequently increasing as the pressure to compete and succeed compels them to ignore the ethical and moral aspects of their practices and decision-making. In order to maximize value for its shareholders and gain profitability, some oil companies willfully engage in unethical practices. Companies like Halliburton and Shell have made the headlines of many newspapers due to the unethical practices they engaged in. In May 2003Read MoreEthical Issues That Are Raised1677 Words  | 7 PagesEthics Research ethics are concerned with analysing moral issues that are raised when people are participants in primary research. The objective of being ethical is to protect participants in research, through examining the ethical soundness of all aspects of research taking place (Miller et al. 2012). The research should be conducted in a way which has no effect on the welfare of participants. Aubrey (2000 p.156 cited in Mukerhji Albon 2010 p.34) defines ethics as â€Å"a set of moral principles underpinningRead MoreGovernment Intervention Vs. Self Regulation874 Words  | 4 PagesBusiness Ethics: Government Intervention vs. Self-Regulation Wealth brings power and power can at times bring corruption. In today’s economy where individuals are no longer the concern when it comes to wealth, the global attention is drawn to corporations who hold the majority of our wealth. This calls for us to take cetain measures that can ensure the existence of a socially responsible behavior amongst all corporations, and these measures could be introduced in many forms, quite possibly the mostRead MoreMedical Information Should Not Be Restricted939 Words  | 4 Pagesrestricted only to the concerned doctor who is authorized to maintain the health record. However, in certain circumstances it becomes necessary for the physician to break this law if it is for the benefit of the patient. Patient confidentially can be described as; medical information should not be disseminated by the doctor and disclosed to any other person or organization until or unless there are specific circumstances requiring distribution of the information or permission has been obtained fromRead MoreDescribe the Social Implications of Business Ethics Facing a Selected Business in Its Different Areas of Activity988 Words  | 4 Pagessocial implications such as trade unions and protest groups. I will then describe how these groups may affect my organisation. Government policies - The government creates the rules behind how a business is run and how it can interact with competition and other business. The government has the ability to change these rules and also the framework which then means that the business has to change the way in which it operates. An example of when a business has had to change the way it operated due
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Truth Is Found Deep Within The Soul - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 3 Words: 1041 Downloads: 3 Date added: 2019/04/01 Category Society Essay Level High school Topics: Truth Essay Did you like this example? Caring for the soul can be difficult and I find that some people lack soul at all. By accepting our weaknesses, gives us the power to help heal the soul. We can heal the soul and care for it in several ways, which include; accepting our faults and learning from them, by giving it our all in things and trying to make the best of terrible situations, and understanding and listening to our souls needs to thrive. Moore claims that without soul, whatever we find will be unsatisfying, for what we truly long for in the soul in each of these areas (xvi). He then goes on to explain what a soulful personality consists of, Complicated, multifaceted, and shaped by both pain and pleasure, success and failure (xvi). Can someone be satisfied by something they love without having a soul? No, I dont believe they can. A man that has all the money in the world can lack romance if he doesnt have a soul. To truly love someone other than yourself you would have to have soul. Soul is like 6th sense. Its feeling, seeing, touching, smelling, hearing, and soulful. Without these components I dont think it would be satisfying in any way. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Truth Is Found Deep Within The Soul" essay for you Create order When Moore is talking to the man who hates his job, he asks him have you ever thought of being where you are, of entering fully this job that youre putting your time and energy into? (8). He doesnt tell him to chase his dreams, in other words Moore is telling this man that if he gives it a try and puts his energy into his work and engages in his work then he might find it easier to do his job and find it more enjoyable. This is a man who has been working for over ten years in the same place. In my opinion, I like how Moore handles this. If the gentleman really disliked this job there is no way he would stick around. There had to be some form of love for the job without realizing it. I personally have left jobs I didnt like and never gave it a second thought on how it would affect the business. Even now, I have a job where its not the job that I dont like its the co-workers, but I have learned to go in and just do the job and try to make it the best possible day whether its telling j okes, or just making another smile. I do find it disowning the soul (9), to go in and not giving the job a fighting chance. Moore claims that by trying to avoid human mistakes and failures, we move beyond the reach of soul (9). Is it soulful to make mistakes and have failures in life? Some people would think that having a soul means being genuine and kind. Moore states that it can be hard to honor the soul when the soul is trying to express itself through unexpected ways. I think the soul is always tested through our decisions in life. I feel that mistakes and failures are a part of what helps the soul thrive in possible ways. Someone who is an A student gets an F on an exam, would think they are a failure, but in return would work harder for a possible feed to the soul. Im not saying that making bad choices makes one to not have a soul, but I think it is important to accept our mistakes and face our failures, so the soul can thrive. Its about balancing ones soul. When I think of this, I always picture a childs teeter-totter. One side is mistakes and failures, while the other side is success and prosperi ty. Accepting ones faults and mistakes help us to keep our soul in reach. Can you really care for the soul if you do nothing? Moore talks about how nature heals, and all you have to do is not-doing (12). How is this possible. Moore says how observance has power. Is he right? If you are observing a birth of a child, do you feel connected to it? When I had my child, it changed me. Not in a bad way, but I felt love that I havent felt. And every birthday since I get this warm feeling, that affects me in a deeper way. Some other examples of a deep connection in observing while having that not-doing is gazing at stars at night, it puts you in a trance almost. Or something that may make you feel deeper in the soul, maybe witnessing a tragedy. Sometimes it feels like we need to do something when we lose control of things, but what others dont realize is sometimes doing nothing is better for the care of the soul after all. Can the soul be cured? When Moore talks about cure vs. care he tells us that cure is something that has an end to the problem itself, where as care is something that is continuous, like a daily maintenance of life. Curing is relatively easy and cure is something that takes discipline in caring for something everyday. He said there is no end (19). So how can we continue to care for something everyday in our lives? For example, having a pet. You get up, you let your dog out, you give him water and food, endless belly rubs, lots of love, yet you give him discipline when there is an accident on the floor. Its a daily routine. Caring is a lot harder to do, but it can be done! It transforms you and you become more aware of the changes as it happens. Its so amazing how life changes. When we see it as a continuation of care, it lets us stop and observe our surroundings. Moore says this is a good way to reflect on life. In conclusion, I feel Moores views are genuine and I agree with his claims and strategies of caring for the soul. Without soul, I feel this world would be doomed, because there would be chaos with no remorse for life itself. The uniqueness of a person is made up of the insane and the twisted as much as it is of the rational and normal (20).
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
High School Relationships Are Ridiculous Because The Partners
High school relationships are ridiculous because the partners â€Å"pretend†their feelings to act out the aspects of love, when in actuality couple really don’t know what they are doing. Between the â€Å"I love you†and the â€Å"there’s not a second where you are not in my mind†, what else is there in a relationship? High Schoolers tend to get attached easily and don’t know the true meaning of what love really is. How can a power so strong be determined within the first two weeks talking to someone? Do they really love each other? Love can mean two different things when it comes to high school; â€Å"I love you†, meaning the couple wants to be together 24/7 and are already planning a wedding. Or with meaning two, representing the love of friendship and†¦show more content†¦Only two percent of high school relationships work out through college†¦ underclassman do not see this, and think that that small percentage is much higher, undeniably believing that they will be with their lover forever. They don’t have the real-life experiences. The younger freshman think that their love-life will be like the movies and â€Å"happy ending†storybooks that they have been brought up with all their lives. In the end, when your â€Å"high school lover†leaves you and you don’t know what to do with your life, you can turn towards your friends, who for the majority of the time, with be there to help you cope through the heartbreak. Furthermore, as I said earlier, lower classman tend to say more than what they actually mean. For some odd reason, it is always the lower classman you see dating upperclassmen. Is it because they think they’re cool? The older the better? Lower classman come into high school as â€Å"fresh meat†, some scared and while others come in with a big head. According to Psychology Today, there are two types of people, â€Å"A secure attachment pattern, a person is confident and self- possessed and is able to easily interact with others, meeting both their own and another’s needs†. I feel as if this is a typical underclassman, easily able to attach and depend on another person because they don’t know what a heartbreak is. The second person, â€Å"... When there is an anxious or avoidant attachment pattern, andShow MoreRelatedEndless Love Is A Romance Directed By Shana Feste1053 Words  | 5 PagesThe film Endless Love is a romance directed by Shana Feste in 2014 about 17 year-old Jade Butterfield (Gabriella Wilde) who meets and falls in love with a fellow high school student, David Elliot (Alex Pettyfer). Jade wasn’t the average high school student after her brother passed away. She spent all her time with her parents and other brother, Keith Butterfield (Rhys Wakefield). Considering Jade’s dad, Hugh Butterfield (Bruce Greenwood), doesn’t like the young lady she becomes while dating DavidRead MoreThe History Of Marriage And How Marriage Evolved Essay1506 Words  | 7 Pagesfamily name going and to keep alliances within their families. It is crazy to think about how different today’s society is when it comes to marriage, it comes to marriage in today’s world, people often get married for reasons that sometimes seem ridiculous to their family members. Due to the sources that I have come across people should not live together before marriage. In my paper I will go through the Biblical reasons, sta tistics on the divorce rate when couples live together before they are marriedRead MoreProviding Teenagers Contraceptives in High Schools is the Next Step1102 Words  | 5 PagesProviding Teenagers Contraceptives in High Schools is the Next Step Approximately four million teens get a sexually transmitted disease every year (Scripps 1). Today’s numbers of sexually active teens differ greatly from that of just a few years ago. Which in return, projects that not only the risk of being infected with a sexually transmitted disease (STD) has risen, but the actual numbers of those infected rise each year as well. These changes have not gone unnoticed. In fact have producedRead MoreMarriage and Weddings976 Words  | 4 Pagesdolls, a Barbie dressed in white, a Ken in a matching tux, and a plastic kitchen set. You grow up saying that when you get big, you want to be a stay at home mom. As a child, nearly every little girl is told â€Å"You are going to grow up, graduate high school, have a great big wedding and have babies.†It is something we that are taught to look forward to and to aspire for from age five, but does it really make us happy? The average wedding in the United States costs thirty-thousand dollars (Hicken)Read MoreTraditional Wives verses Stay at Home Wives Essay1050 Words  | 5 Pagesof my life. She cooked, cleaned, and made sure my brother and I were off to school daily. Although she didn’t have an outside job, she as well as many women believed a stay at home mom was a full time job. I remember my father handing my mother money regularly to put toward the utility bills while she would scrub the kitchen floor. By the end of the day, my mom was usually too tired to cater to my father because of the attention she gave to her home duties during the day. At the end of theRead MoreThe Failure Of The Trump Wall1500 Words  | 6 PagesWill disrupt migration and other movement IV. Not an Effective Deterrent A. Won’t keep out immigrants who overstay visas B. People will find other ways around V. Tensions and Trade 1. Will Strain U.S./Mexican relations. 2. Potential trading partner loss VI. Conclusion Morales3 In the 2016 election, Donald Trump had made it known that he intends to build an entire wall along the border of U.S and Mexico. 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While I did feel some questions were just ridiculous, I did find some of the questions difficult to answer. I constantly think back to the reading from like the beginning of class when the article talks about gender privilege and how we do not realize how lucky we are to feel comfortable in our bodiesRead MoreCollege Is A Long Journey Of Self Discovery1395 Words  | 6 Pages College is about the experience. That’s what my ESL teacher, Mrs. Cruz, told me when I was a sophomore in high school. And she couldn’t be more right. While at the time it sounded to me like a salesman trying to sell me an useless product, now I understand the idea of â€Å"college is about the experience†a lot more. Now I see what that really means, and that means, at least to me, that college is a long journey of self-discovery. While learning how to program, being proficient at Math and EnglishRead MoreThe Failure Of The Trump Wall. . . . . By. Christian Cisneros.1396 Words  | 6 Pagespublic schools have become popular because of a law giving millions of dollars to schools that teach the programs. These programs have the good intention of persuading young people to wait until marriage before having sex, but abstinence-only programs are not achieving this goal and are flawed by the distorted and biased perspective that they promote. In 1996, the United States government passed a law giving funding to states that offered abstinence-only programs in public schools. Since
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
4G and Beyond Bringing Networks
Question: Discuss about the 4G and Beyond for Bringing Networks. Answer: Introduction 4G refers to the instances where a mobile device can be able to exchange mobile data at speeds exceeding 100mbs. Previous technologies were much slower, and did not prioritise data transmission. With the increase of 4G mobile devises and networks, it has been suggested that the era of pervasive computing, where connections across geographically dispersed areas will be seamless, is a possibility. 4G is a label which, like its predecessors, has been applied to both hardware and mobile networks alike. This paper will look at the background, status and expected impact of 4G networks (Berndt, 2008). The initial mobile devices and networks prioritised voice over all other services, including data. As the capacity increased, and data became a more important aspect of consumers demand, mobile networks companies and mobile device producers moved away from voice, to focus on other services as well. The first generation devices and were based on analogue protocol, and were almost entirely focused on voice. The second generation products were a drastic step form this. While having increased coverage, the 2G service was able to integrate digital standards for the first time. However, the service remained essentially voice based. Where the 1G phone could communicate at speeds averaging at a partly 2.4kbps, 2G could transmit data at 64kbps (Berndt, 2008). 3G was still designed for voice, though with a stronger emphasis on data than the rest. With 3G, firms could speak of being able to provide mobile broadband, a term that had not been used to refer to mobile technology up to that time. Data speeds saw a massive improvement yet again, jumping to an average of 2mbps. 4G has however redefined mobile communications. Coming at a time when more and more phones will be smart, and therefore specially tailored for data based services, 4G is specially designed for data, with voice communication being relegated for the first time. The technology is truly broadband, and uses IP protocols. It has speeds that average 100mpbs (Berndt, 2008). Mobile phone users, and especially those who use Smartphones, have become ever more demanding on the quality of service they require form their network providers and device manufacturers. Among other things, the market increasingly wants value for money, with smart phones being cheaper and more accessible. They also expect to be given support, and better tariffs. More importantly though, the market demands exemplary network performance, sometimes equated to increased connection speeds, which 4G networks are able to provide Wilkinson, 2011). While 4G has become ever more common around the world, it has also been used by businesses as a marketing gimmick. For instance, the first phone billed as a 4G phone is likely to have been 3G, sue to the level of mobile technology advancement at the time (2010). While there are several genuine 4G technologies today networks and devices, it is also likely that a large chunk of those who claim to be 4G are in actual sense other categories of 3G. Despite these issues, 4G technology has continued to advance and become even better (Sauter, 2013). Since the inception of 4G networks in early 2010s, there has been remarkable progress in improving mobile phone communications. As indicated before mobile communication is increasingly data based, with voice communication either been carried out digitally, or becoming less important on the analogue platforms. In the near future, 4G networks are expected to improve their speeds, reaching up to 1gbps. This will also be available to lower mobility users. It will be much simpler to use HTML, JAVA and other computing tools and applications using this faster version of 4G (Wilkinson, 2011). Conclusion Mobile phone technology has seen improving fast since the first mobile phone was unveiled in 1983. Over the years, mobile phone technologies have gradually shifted from voice only to taking on more services, including data. This has ushered in the era of 4G, a technology billed as having the fastest data transmission rates ever. However, this is only the start. In future, the speed is expected to be even greater. This will be motivated by the desire to satisfy customers, who demand faster speeds and greater support from network operators and device manufacturers. References Berndt, H. (2008). Towards 4G technologies: services with initiative. New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons. Sauter, M. (2013). 3G, 4G and Beyond: Bringing Networks, Devices and the Web Together. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons. Wilkinson, C. (2011). Mobile Platforms: Getting Information on the Go. New York: The Rosen Publishing Group.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Dell case Essay Example
Dell case Essay down the time it takes from ordering that the customer gets the computer to themselves , they have revolutionized the way how the PC market sales are made . The major competitors such as HP and 18M, are trying to predetermine based on market studies what customers want , and then produces computers for stock, while Dell lets customers decide what components they want in their computer. Customers ordering via the telephone or , increasingly , via the Internet. In doing so, avoid Dell intermediaries becomes more cost carriers. Where competitors more trying to focus n creating services around the product , thereby creating value for the customer , trust Dell more on the customer already has the implementation knowledge required to do a proper , active purchasing choice . In order to have a control system that meets the requirements for speed and flexibility , Dell has focused on reducing the number of intermediaries ( touches ) in the production of computers. The main way to do this is by outsourcing all production of components , and instead the focus solely on the reassembly of the roduct . This meant that Dell went more toward being a service company than a generation . To decisions taken in the control system will also maintain the requirements of speed is possible for managers far down the systems to make decisions without involving managers from the top ( depending on how important the decision is ) . This allows the organization becomes very flexible to change, and that Dell avoids slow bureaucracy. We will write a custom essay sample on Dell case specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Dell case specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Dell case specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer By making use of most of the economic data that is continuously easured , and are always available for sales representatives and managers , the organization can measure its effectiveness in real time. This is Dell s so-called scorecard , which includes for example Return On Invested Capital , average selling price , etc. The fact that you use the same type of control data throughout the organization makes the entire organization can implement strategies that proved to be positive in some small part . That decision-making is decentralized , and that economic control data is always vailable , allows a Dell different parts of the organization becomes investment centers. Both of the goals is the goal you are trying to reach by creating investment centers , namely that the information required to make the right decisions is available and that each business units performance is measured. Key data is visible especially the difference between Dell and its competitors in return on equity , cost of goods sold and inventory turnover . All these differences are based on Dell management of production and storage, or rather the lack of storage, omputers. Dells input based on direct demand when the customer places his order , wnlle competltors are trying to estimate tne customers needs . Inls means that Dell basically has no storage of the products , allowing the stock turnover is much higher than the competition. Dell does not tie up capital in inventory management also makes it get a higher return on capital employed. However , Dell has higher production costs than competitors , then they choose to outsource it and thus get an additional cost .
Tuesday, March 10, 2020
How Long Is the SAT With Extended Time
How Long Is the SAT With Extended Time SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Students with documented disabilities may be eligible to receive extended time on one or more sections of the SAT. The options for extended time vary by student and must be approved ahead of the testing date by College Board's Services for Students with Disabilities (SSD). If you're a student, parent, or educator interested in extra time accommodations on the SAT, read on to learn about the different options and how long each one makes the SAT. First, let's briefly review who qualifies for additional time. Who's Eligible for Extended Time on the SAT? In order to qualify for extended time on the SAT, students must have a documented disability that constitutes a "relevant functional limitation." In other words, their disability impacts their ability to take the SAT, and extended time may help them improve their performance. These disabilities include visual, physical, medical, and motor impairments and learning disorders. Generally, eligible students will have an established Individualized Education Plan (IEP) or 504 plan with their school. However, having a plan or accommodations for extra time at school doesn't necessarily guarantee them extra time on the SAT. A qualified school coordinator must make an official request to College Board and provide all the necessary documentation. Since approval takes about seven weeks, she should start this process early. When making the request, the coordinator will indicate whether the student needs extended time for reading, mathematical calculation, written expression, or listening/speaking (for SAT Subject Tests). If the coordinator specifies extended time on reading, then the student will typically get extended time on all SAT sections, as they all require reading of some form. Apart from differences in time per section, what other options does College Board offer for extended time on the SAT? What Are the Options for Extended Time on the SAT? There are three options for extended time on the SAT: time and a half, double time, and 150% additional time. The amount of time students get varies depending on whether they take the SAT without the optional essay or the SAT with the essay section.Below, you can see the amount of time students get with each extended time option. Time and a Half The most commonoption for extended timeon the SAT lengthens it by 50%. Time and a half makes the SAT without the optional essay a total of 4 hours and 30 minutesand the SAT with the essay a total of 5 hours and 45 minutes.Students with time and a half take the SAT at the usual time and place, on a Saturday morning at their testing center of choice. Double Time The second option is double time, or 100% additional time, for a total of 6 hourson the SAT without essay or 7 hours and 40 minutes for the SAT with essay. Students with double time typically take the SAT over the course of two days at their school. 150% Additional Time Finally, in rare cases students may be granted 150% additional time and get 7 hours and 30 minutes on the SAT without essay and 9 hours and 35 minutes on the SAT with essay. Like students with double time, students with 150% additional time typicallytake the SAT over the course of two days at their school, rather than take it at the official testing center. They would sit with a school coordinator, generally one on one, unless there were another student or two with similar accommodations. While the above mentioned times technically describe the length of the test, the actual experience is longer due to breaks and time for instructions. Considering these factors, how long will the SAT with accommodations actually take? Ready with your planner? How Long Is the SAT With Extended Time? The times above describe how much time a student has to complete the Reading, Writing, and Math sections, but they don't include breaks, instructions, or other logistics of the test-taking experience, like passing out and collecting the test booklets. Students with extended time must stay for the entire designated time, even if they finish early. They also can't flip between sections or self-pace, but instead must stay on each individual section until time has been called. Without accommodations, the SAT is 3 hours with the essayor 3 hours and 50 minutes with the essay. Without the essay, students get two breaks totaling about 10 minutes. With the essay, students get three breaks for a total break time of about 15 minutes. Extended time doesn't include extended or extra breaks unless a specific request has been made and approved. For most students with extended time, therefore, you can just add 10 or 15 minutes of break timeand 30 to 60 minutes for administrative tasks to get a sense of how long the SAT will be. In the charts below for the SAT without essay and SAT with essay, I added 30 minutes for check in, instruction, filling out personal information on the tests, and finishing up. In a testing room with a lot of students, it may take a bit longer. For students testing individually or in small groups, check in may take a little less time. Here are my estimates for each extended time option to answer the question, how long is the SAT with breaks? SAT Without Essay Extended time option Total testing time With breaks Total time No extended time 3 hours 3 hours, 10 minutes ~3 hours, 40 minutes 50% additional time 4 hours, 30 minutes 4 hours, 40 minutes ~5 hours, 10 minutes 100% additional time 6 hours 6 hours, 10 minutes ~6 hours, 40 minutes 150% additional time 7 hours, 30 minutes 7 hours, 40 minutes ~8 hours, 10 minutes SAT With Essay Extended time option Total testing time With breaks Total time No extended time 3 hours, 50min 4 hours, 5 minutes ~4 hours, 35 minutes 50% additional time 5 hours, 45 minutes 6 hours ~6 hours, 30 minutes 100% additional time 7 hours, 40 minutes 7 hours, 55 minutes ~8 hours, 25 minutes 150% additional time 9 hours, 35 minutes 9 hours, 50 minutes ~10 hours, 20 minutes Taking the SAT takes a lot of time, energy, and focus. Students definitely don't want to add to their stress by showing up late, and when finished they're probably eager to head home. So what's a safe time for pick up and drop off for students taking the SAT with extended time? Safe Times for Drop Off and Pick Up As mentioned above, students with 50% additional time will take the SAT on Saturday morning at their preferred testing center. They should plan to arrive by 7:45. The SAT is administered between 8:30 and 9:00. Students with time and a half will be finished and ready to be picked up around 1:40 PM or 3:00 PM, depending on whether or not they're taking the essay section. Students with more time will take the test over the course of two days at their school under the supervision of a designated administrator. Their timing will vary. Usually students who start at 8:30 AM test until around noonand then resume the next day. These accommodations are meant to improve the test-taking experience for students and meet their needs. Since the SAT is time intensive, students, parents, and coordinators should make sure to know the ins and outs of the process and options for extended time. Below are the key points to remember. Key Points It takes about seven weeks for College Board to approve SAT accommodations, so gather your documentation and make your requests early. The most common option for extended time is 50% additional time, though some students will get more or only qualify for extra time on certain sections. Students decide whether or not to take the essay section when they register. Students with time and a half will spend from around7:45 AM to 1:40 or 3:00PM at their testing center (depending on if they take the essay or not). Extended time does not automatically include extended or extra breaks, so you need to make these requests separately. Students must stay for their entire designated testing time, so even if they finish early, the above schedule will still apply. Extended time can be a huge help for students with functional limitations, like reading comprehension or attention issues. Make your requests specific and supported by in-depth documentation, and leave extra time in case you need to appeal College Board's decision. Since the SAT is such an important test, you want to make sure you or your student is getting the accommodations she needs to see her best results. What's Next? Apart from extended time, what other accommodations are available to students taking the SAT? Read our full guide on SAT accommodations and how to get them here. Now that you know how long the entire SAT will take, what about each individual section? Answer any questions you have about exactly how long the SAT is here. Want to score a super high SAT score?Get all the tips and expert advice you need inour guide to getting a perfect SAT score. Disappointed with your scores? Want to improve your SAT score by 160points?We've written a guide about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download it for free now: Have friends who also need help with test prep? Share this article! Tweet Rebecca Safier About the Author Rebecca graduated with her Master's in Adolescent Counseling from the Harvard Graduate School of Education. She has years of teaching and college counseling experience and is passionate about helping students achieve their goals and improve their well-being. She graduated magna cum laude from Tufts University and scored in the 99th percentile on the SAT. Get Free Guides to Boost Your SAT/ACT Get FREE EXCLUSIVE insider tips on how to ACE THE SAT/ACT. 100% Privacy. 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Saturday, February 22, 2020
Is it fair, just and reasonable to allow the police to escape Dissertation
Is it fair, just and reasonable to allow the police to escape liability from a breach of duty - Dissertation Example This research will begin with the statement that tort is not something new. In fact, the law of tort is a very old legal concept, even older than the notion of crime. In the ancient period, the discourse on law is not on the laws of crime per se; rather it was more on the law of wrongs. By 1300’s, the English common law developed procedural mechanisms that was used to bring an action to court. During this period, writ system was developed and one of the most original writ was the writ of trespass. However, it should be noted that the writ of trespass was not a demand for right but it was a rectification for wrong done. Then, by 1400’s, sense and appeal to justice was integrated in the actions and responses to cases. By late 1700’s concept of negligence was developed and by 1800’s there was a shift from causation to fault for actions on cases. Meanwhile, the search for principles or theories that would explain further the concept of negligence became a prim ary concern in tort. This brief historical tracing of tort highlights the fact that early in the evolution of tort, the idea of remedies for wrongful acts was already perceived as a powerful tool in keeping public order, security, and peace within the society. However, despite the historical progression of tort and a common belief that tort implies compensation for injuries, there is an observed difficulty in coming up with a universal definition for tort. This is because there are different kinds and structures of torts, with different purposes and aims, variegated interests and different kinds of interferences. 11 Working on the premise that tort covers a wide scope, this research will deal with one of the controversial â€Å"legal wrong for which the law provides remedy†,12 - police negligence and liability. The police are significant public group in the society that has been mandated by law to protect and preserve the peace. 13. Police are in a unique position as they ful fil their specific function that is mandated by law, which is to protect and keep the peace not just of one person, but also of the entire society. 14 However, this unique function is not a guarantee that police will never commit a civil wrong. 15 In fact, just like other members of the society, they are also susceptible to negligence as they perform their functions. Cases show that police negligence is a reality, but because of ‘public policy immunity’, they have not been held accountable for their negligence. In other words, they enjoy immunity from their negligence to the extent that police immunity from liability is the general rule. 16 However, Osman v UK17 demands a re-appropriation of police immunity from liability. Current experiences question police immunity and as such, mar the logic of the law itself. Since, its logic is the experience of the law. 18 In this scenario, matter of justice and fairness, in lieu of police immunity is raised.19 Tort and Negligence: The Rise of Tort of Negligence The term tort is derived from the Latin word tortus, which means twisted. In French, it means wrong. 20 Tort, in the English tradition, connotes the idea of a â€Å"legal wrong for which the law provides remedy†.21 In this purely technical and legal sense, tort falls under the civil law because â€Å"
Thursday, February 6, 2020
Canadian education system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Canadian education system - Essay Example The "Whig interpretation" viewed "much of history, through British Whig eyes," as the best way to progress, "away from savagery and ignorance towards peace, prosperity, and science" (Hayes, 2002). This is view self-limiting, and is inherently, thus, incapable of presenting a true and balanced picture. The social perspective of history, influenced mainly by Bailyn (1960), stands apart from 'Whig history' and analyzes the system of informal education, prevalent earlier to the advent of public schooling, as provided by the family, community and the Church. With more emphasis on the importance of informal education, this interpretation recognizes that "schools are but one aspect" of the ever-changing "society", which "is a complex web" (Mazurek, 1986, p. 25). However, there is one shortcoming in this perspective; the main objective of this interpretation, it appears, was to impress upon the educational historians that, education must be viewed beyond mere professional and instructional dimensions of schooling (Carney, 1990, p 10). Ethnographic interpretation of history has some advantages, in the sense that, one gets to view different angles reported and recorded. Since this form of interpretation admits that human reactions are varied, it recognizes as valid, subjective interpretations of "what actually happens", as perceived by teachers, parents and students (Mazurek, 1986: 28). In recent times, the use of 'hypermedia' for ethnographic studies has increased "the potential to offer a form of ethnographic representation which is highly reflexive, collaborative, and multi-vocal" (Anderson, 1999). Revisionism - for ideological, political and economic analysis The inherent complexities of the various issues affecting education, makes it extremely hard, to arrive at a consensus theory, regarding the history of the system's evolution. Revisionist history came into being, in the process of trying to explain the various conflicting social forces, driving the nascent development of educative reforms, then. Under the guise of a so-called movement, some sections of the society, actively promoted and established public schooling, as progressive development. Arguments and counter-arguments fill the revisionist literature with abundance of details. From this quagmire of conflicting views, two major alternative interpretations emerged, - The Radical revisionism and Moderate revisionism. They are similar to each other, and yet differ in the emphasis placed on the links between the past events and, the present context. At the center of the revisionist historian's perspective is that "Schooling seeks to make selves" with its goal as moral regulation to facilitate "self-rule" or "self-government" (Corrigan, Curtis & Lanning, 1987, p.23). As Mazurek (1986, p.26) puts it, "schools are perceived as one weapon in the arsenal of privileged groups in the society as they attempt to perpetuate status
Tuesday, January 28, 2020
Sulas Wines Essay Example for Free
Sulas Wines Essay Question 1: The Indian wine industry presents some interesting characteristics that can be analysed using the Porter’s five forces framework to understand to what extent it is a profitable one, and why it is attractive or not. Let us get started with Rivalry: here it is important to differentiate between the Indian and the global market. In fact, at the time the case was written, the Indian market was expanding so rapidly (25/30% per year) that business opportunities were flourishing and all the existing participants could easily sell their products without the need to attack others’ customer base. However, if we broaden our point of view to the global industry, rivalry is way fiercer and exports are likely to be a less profitable business than the domestic one. Overall, LOW/MODERATE. Buyers’ power: in this industry, it is incredibly difficult to â€Å"lock in†a solid customer base made of individual consumers that face virtually zero switching costs and have different tastes for wine. Additionally, wholesalers and retailers can exert significant pressure on wine producers for what concerns shelf space and wine selection. Therefore, it seems that buyers’ power is HIGH compared to producers’, thus lowering profitability. Suppliers’ power: if we think in terms of the raw materials needed to produce wine, i. e. grapes and juice, we can state that, being them commodities, these are subject to the seasonal fluctuations in price, quantity and availability typical of agricultural products. In periods of excess supply, high quality grapes could be purchased for lower prices and vice versa. Also, regulatory changes in 2001 reduced both sales taxes and the costs of imported bottling items, thus increasing profitability. However, India has a major issue that turns out to be of crucial importance to farmers and producers, i. e.the lack of stable electricity supply; this could in principle give some bargaining power to suppliers of diesel and generators. Thus, suppliers’ power is LOW/MODERATE. Threat of substitutes: although the Indian government has recently granted several concessions and liberalizations for both sale and consumption of wine, the threat of substitutes is still HIGH, especially for cultural reasons whereby whiskey, for instance, is traditionally preferred by the majority of Indians to wine. However, given the rapid expansion of the industry, there seems to be more than a hope that this mind-set will change in the near future. Barriers to entry: wine is definitely no easy business to start. There are several reasons to justify this point; first of all, as Sula’s case clearly shows, it takes time to obtain the various licenses; also, the knowledge and know-how required are extremely sophisticated and specific; additionally, wineries are capital intensive businesses and the initial investment to set them up is substantial. However, as we can see from the case, the Indian wine industry has benefited from governmental liberalizations that have encouraged many new wineries to enter the business. We can conclude that BTE are MODERATE/HIGH. The Porter analysis provides us with a moderately profitable scenario, in which it is not easy to start a successful business unless the exact skills and capabilities needed are present. In the following answer, these resources will be analysed in the context of Sula’s activity. Question 2: The biggest challenge that Samant faced when he returned to India to produce wine was that of changing the â€Å"alcoholic tastes†of consumers. To do so, he had to rely upon a strategy that would leverage on the core resources and competencies he had brought back from California. Also helped by a specialized consultant friend, Samant meticulously configured his piece if land in order to exploit the good potential of its location; additionally, he successfully realized that an unconventional growing/harvesting schedule had to be adopted if they wanted to take advantage of the seasonal characteristics of the weather, such as monsoons. He managed to earn a solid and valuable reputation, refusing to bribe officers to obtain the necessary licenses and took care of promoting its products, through marketing campaigns and wine tasting events, in the attempt of changing Indians’ culture towards wine. For what concerns the type of wines to start production with, Samant successfully identified those that could best accompany the spicy flavours of the Indian cuisine and, subsequently, he diversified the firm’s portfolio by introducing more varieties of white and red wines. Finally, he has secured the unique and valuable expertise of some of the brightest players in the financial sector, who have enthusiastically joined him in the firm’s activities. This combination of factors have allowed Samant to put Sula’s. Vineyards in a very comfortable position to exploit the huge growth that everyone expects from the Indian wine market; right now, the firm seems to have a competitive advantage to further develop in the near future, if the right strategy will be pursued. Question 3: Looking at the numbers, Sula has been extremely profitable in 2007, with net profits that increased more than six fold since the year before; also, sticking to market forecasts, it seems that an explosive growth has just begun in India, an opportunity that should definitely be exploited. Now that the business is well established and generates a steady stream of revenues, Samant may consider to raise additional debt to finance the long-term challenge of producing premium red wines in a separate winery, something that, if successful, would give Sula’s business a major boost both in sales and in reputation. In the meantime, revenues from national sales would provide the capital necessary to feed the already existing business. Moreover, it could also be worth it to â€Å"attack†the global market with initially lower prices to gain some market share also in Europe and in the U. S.; at first, relationships with touristic targets such as hotels and restaurants would be established and, if this strategy worked out, then Sula would face an ever-growing demand for its products, at least for the next 10 years, that could be met by working together with other local producers of premium wine. The idea of a â€Å"consortium†of Maharashtra firms could be attractive for many reasons, among which a significant increase in bargaining power towards the government when it comes to requesting the necessary improvements of regional infrastructures, such as roads, electricity supplies, etc.
Monday, January 20, 2020
Aristotle and Happiness of the Soul Essay -- Philosophy Religion Essay
One of Aristotle’s conclusions in the first book of Nicomachean Ethics is that â€Å"human good turns out to be the soul’s activity that expresses virtue†(EN 1.7.1098a17). This conclusion can be explicated with Aristotle’s definitions and reasonings concerning good, activity of soul, and excellence through virtue; all with respect to happiness. Aristotle opens his argument with the statement: â€Å"the good has been well described as that at which everything aims†(1.1.1094a2). This premise means that all actions aim at an end that is good. Moreover, through this definition of good, there are numerous goods corresponding to numerous actions. How can we know which good is the best, or highest good? Aristotle introduces a hierarchy of goods. In order to have an end there must be an activity, yet â€Å"the product (of the activity) is by nature better than the activity†(1.1.1094a6). Rather, each end in turn aims for something else: another end. It seems that this hierarchy would perpetuate into infinity, however Aristotle establishes that there is an action that has an absolute end, meaning that the end aims at nothing else. The action that produces the absolute end is pursued â€Å"because of itself;†thus this end will be the highest and best good (1.2.1094a18-22). Further, Aristotle parallels the highest good with happiness: â€Å"As far as its name goes, most people virtually agree [about what the good is] †¦ (and) call it happiness†(1.4.1095a17-19). In order for happiness to fit Aristotle’s definition of the good it must be â€Å"unconditionally complete†meaning â€Å"choiceworthy in itself†(1.7.1097a34) and â€Å"self-sufficient†meaning â€Å"lacking nothing†(1.7.1097b15). To be the highest good happiness will need to be the â€Å"mos... ...Aristotle’s conclusion relates human good, activity of soul and excellence. It is this expression of virtue through action that allows happiness to be obtained. Such dependence on virtue sets the scene for Aristotle to examine virtue more closely. He will elaborate on the two parts of reasoning well (virtue). The first part of reasoning well is having the right desires to aim oneself at the right good and not just the apparent good. The second part of reasoning well is knowing how to get to this proper desire. This will be further elaborated in book two where Aristotle will explore what it means to reason well and what is means to be virtuous. Work Cited Aristotle. Nicomachean Ethics. Translated by Terence Irwin. Hackett Publishing Company: Indianapolis. 1985. Note: In citations, [] indicate translators additions, while ( ) indicate my own additions.
Sunday, January 12, 2020
Nvq Plevel 3 Playwork
PW3. 12 Assignment 4 5. 1 Explain why it is important to have positive relationships with adults in the play environment It could be argued that playworkers are often naturally skilled and adept at making good relationships with the children in the informal setting of a play environment. Whilst adult relationships may take more time and effort, and thus more difficult to achieve it is essential that they maintain positive relationships with other adults within the play environment.As professional’s playworkers are likely to come in to contact with a range of adults be it parents, carers, elder siblings, other playworkers, or the general network of care and as a result need to be proficient in forming positive relations with such adults. There are a number of reasons why this is important. First and foremost, children always benefit when adults around them are able to collaborate, co-operate and work in tandem. In relation to parents and carers, it is important that playworkers and parents are amiable, and can work together to form a strong support foundation for the child.Not only will the play setting benefit from amicable relations but children will feel that they are supported as a result of the good rapport between parents and playworkers. In addition to this, parents are naturally interested in the happiness and well-being of their child. Through strong and positive relations between parents and playworkers, parents will feel that they are informed about their child’s experiences at the club and involved in this aspect of their life.Another aspect of this mutual relationship is that the parent can inform the play setting if things are difficult at home, that the child worries about certain aspects of the play environment or any difficulties that they are having. Not only will this provide an explanation for potential changes in behaviour, but it allows the playworkers to accommodate the child to make them feel more comfortable or at ease, and generally support them within the play setting.It is through this positive relationship that parents are able to support playworkers and their decisions, and in turn provide a strong team foundation to support the child and their general welfare. In terms of positive relationships with those directly associated to the play environment it is essential that a positive, friendly and supportive relationship occurs between co-workers. One must remember that children are sensitive to the way in which one works with colleagues, and indirectly the relations they see modelled by their elders are those which they in turn will portray.In effect, the attitude and relations of the playworkers act as a blue print upon which they form their own relationships. Essentially, through positive relationships with other adults within the setting, it not only creates a pleasant and fruitful atmosphere but it provides a strong foundation of support – both between playworkers themselves and with par ents and carers. Through good communication and positive relations children are able to feel settled and supported in all aspects of their development. . 2 Explain the importance of clear communications with adults in the play environment In order to develop and maintain positive relationships with adults in the play environment, an element of respect is vital. The key to this is a clear communications style. It is through such a style that both playworkers themselves, and parents feel respected, valued and a part of the play setting. Good communication is a central aspect to playwork, as well as everyday life.It is a skill which not only underpins almost every other social skill but it is particularly important when working with children and young people, and in turn the adults associated with the play environment. Through communicating effectively as playworkers, it encourages positive relationships with the adults and thus results in a proactive and efficient team between both pl ayworker and parent. The importance of this cannot be understated, by having a solid team foundation between playworkers and parents, children will not only feel supported and comfortable, but are aided in their development.The key to attain this solid foundation is through communicating effectively and clearly with the adults associated with the play setting. For example, it is important that parents and carers are aware of any issues that may have arisen during the session, any difficulties their child is encountering, or if their child has behaved or responded particularly well to a certain situation. Essentially, this involves being ‘updated’ on their child’s general behaviour and well-being. The importance of clear communication can be evidenced here.Being vague in ones communications can lead to problems such as misunderstanding, the child being reprimanded for something they didn’t do by parents, or by parents not grasping the full extent of the pro blem. Not only would this affect the support the child would receive, but many could argue that such misinterpretations or misunderstandings could result in conflict between play setting and parent. When considering this from another perspective, effective communication with other team members and playworkers is equally essential.Playworkers need to feel that when asked to do something by another member of the team, or someone of higher position that they are doing as required and desired. In addition to this, they need to maintain and portray a team approach in everything conducted. By communicating roles, responsibilities and issues effectively the team is able to work as a unit and thus provide the best care for the children in the play setting. By supporting the team, communicating effectively and efficiently it ensures that problems are dealt with promptly so as not to impact on the running of the team and the setting.From this it can be noted that clear and effective communica tion not only benefits the playwork team as a whole, but in addition it means that an effective team approach between playworkers and parents can be attained. In doing so, this provides children with the best support possible. 5. 3 Summarise different strategies the playworker can use to communicate with adults who have communication difficulties The way in which one communicates with people should not be static. It is important that the style used is adjusted to meet the needs of both the situation and the person with whom one needs to communicate.In many cases communicating with a range of adults can be challenging, however this becomes more difficult when trying to communicate with those who have communication difficulties. Here, a more precise and patient method is required. There are a number of strategies that can be employed when dealing with those who have communication difficulties. Firstly it is essential that one remains patient, speaks clearly and allows the other person a chance not only to understand what is being said, but then to construct a response.The phrase â€Å"connect before you direct†also comes in to play here; by making eye contact and engaging the other person in conversation not only allows you to form a relationship, but it may be essential for those with communication difficulties. For instance, and adult who has hearing difficulties will need to see mouth movements to understand and will rely heaving on visual signs such as facial expressions. In addition to this, it is important, especially with adults, that one respects their difficulties, not pressuring them or treating them like a child.Achieving this takes practice but in doing so it ensures the other person feels respected, valued and understood. In some cases a more active style of communication may be necessary, such as physically demonstrating what is required by drawing or miming. Another strategy is to employ physical cues such as pictures, objects or photos wh ich the adult can point to or respond with. In doing this, verbal speech is simply an aid, and for those who have difficulties in such an area it provides an external method of communication, and perhaps a better means of understanding.Alternatively, a translator may be required to assist the communication of confusing, difficult or complex issues and conversations. Written word is another strategy which can be employed when dealing with adults who have communication difficulties. For some, written word is easier to process and understand than verbal conversations, and so this provides another means of communicating with those who have communication difficulties. One downside of this method is that those who are not native to the language may struggle to comprehend written style. Utilising the telephone is another option and strategy.Those who suffer communication difficulties may be more aware of themselves in busy, noisy and unknown environments which may impede their ability to u nderstand as well as to respond. By speaking on the phone it allows them to take in the information and construct their sentences in peace, in their own time and in the security that no one external is judging them. From this, it is evident that when communicating with adults who have communication difficulties there are a number of strategies that could be employed. Essentially it involves being understanding, precise and clear.Talking slowly but not in an exaggerated manner and simplifying our extended language abilities allowing them to not only understand what is being asked but at the same time feel respected and valued as an individual and not undermined due to their difficulties. 5. 4 Evaluate types of situations that might lead to conflict between playworkers and other adults Sometimes things go wrong. In any work place there are bound to be situations that arise which will result in conflict of some sort. People react differently to such situations depending on circumstance s, but it is mportant to remember that differences of opinion are not necessarily a bad thing. There are numerous situations that may result in conflict between playworkers and other adults, as with anyone in society. It could be argued that one of the largest contributors to conflict is merely the result of miscommunication. Someone may take a comment the wrong way, not understand the context or may not have had the message properly passed on. As a result of this sour feelings such as resent, confusion or misunderstanding can lead to conflict between adults.In the case of the playwork setting, this could be between two playworkers with one person commenting on what is normally done in a helpful manner, with the other taking it as condescending, patronising or dictatorial. Another example of such a situation would be a playworker telling a parent about the way their child has behaved during the session. If this was not explained properly, or details were left out (such as it being à ¢â‚¬Ëœstarted’ by another child) this could result in conflict between parent, child and playworker.Another effect of miscommunication is conflict due to lack of role explanation. If roles and responsibilities are not clearly and effectively outlined (miscommunicated), this could lead to false expectations from supervisors and thus result in conflict. For example if a supervisor expects a certain playworker to be doing the headcount and this is not achieved, conflict could occur as a result. Typical playwork situations which may cause conflict are about the decisions made or the actions taken by playworkers.If parents do not agree with or support such decisions it can often lead to a conflict over what is expected by the parent, versus what is required and expected from the playworker. Situations such as where a child has been hurt (falling from a swing, or injury from another child), damage to the child’s equipment or clothes, or relations with other children are ofte n the causes of conflict between playworkers and parents or carers. Here the playworker will follow policies and procedures, but the parent may not agree with the action or decision subsequently forming the foundations for conflict.As is often the case, conflict can occur because a person is coping with unrelated pressures. Life stressors, home issues etc may cause either parent or playworker to snap without reason. This can initiate feelings of resent, confusion, or misunderstanding, thus producing a conflict scenario. As evidenced, it can be noted that there are a number of types of situations which may result in conflict between adults in the play setting. Miscommunication, stressors, expectations and even own confidence in handling a situation can result in conflict between the adults within the setting. . 5 Explain different strategies the playworker can use to deal with conflict situations involving other adults. There are a number of strategies that can be employed when deali ng with conflict situations. In many situations simply listening to the other person, attaining all the facts and showing an understanding is enough to dilute the problem. However if this is not the case, then there are other strategies which can be utilised. In many respects dealing with conflict situations with adults requires a similar approach to that of children.If emotions are tense the best way to manage conflict is to listen to the other person, acknowledge their feelings and show empathy and understanding of the issue. In acknowledging another person’s feelings or point of view it can take the heat out of the conflict and thus allow a solution to be found, even if this involves stating â€Å"I can see what you mean, but I can’t agree with you there†. By accepting and acknowledging another person’s feelings, one can then ask them how they wish the issue to be resolved.In asking for their opinion it shows respect and highlights that their opinion i s valued. Much like dealing with children in conflict, those adults in conflict can then work together in order to come to a viable solution for them both. In addition to this when dealing with parents or other playworkers it is important to thank them for bringing the matter to one’s attention and check that the problem is understood fully. Furthermore if you believe there to be a misunderstanding, say so as this may be enough to resolve the conflict.It is important to talk in a private area, listen carefully, make eye contact, ensure that one remains polite and calm and that any apologies are made if necessary. Another important aspect to consider is to avoid personalising the issue (through comments made, or actions taken, or gossiping) as this can lead to it becoming more heated, intense and appear like a personal vendetta. It is best to talk to the person directly before any more misunderstanding or misinterpretation can occur. In order to deal with miscommunications wit hin the work place, one strategy that could be used it to write things down, a record of events.This is particularly relevant for when children are hurt in the play setting. By recording what happened, when and how it ensures that relevant people are provided with correct information that is the same across the board. Dealing with conflict due to confidence is hard. Essentially it is important that the supervisors acknowledge their team’s skills, expertise and value within the playwork team. Conflict due to external pressure is also difficult. By observing other people as they talk to you can sometimes provide an indication of whether other factors are at work.If this is the case, simply being sympathetic and a good listener can often take the heat out of a conflict potentially brewing. Essentially, when dealing with conflict in adults it is similar to the approach taken when dealing with children. It is important that one listens, shows understanding, respects the other pers ons differentiating view points, and that they work together to find a solution suiting to them both. In doing this, not only will it aid the conflict itself, but it almost acts as pre conflict management.
Saturday, January 4, 2020
Evolution Of Slavery Throughout Colonial America - 1336 Words
Terrynce Robinson Dr. Esing HIST 2010 05E 3/13/2017 Evolution of Slavery in Colonial America Slavery as we know today, is still considered one of the most talked about subjects in history. The historical backdrop of bondage in early America incorporates the absolute most disturbing stories from our past. Slavery began when African Slaves initially arrived in the North American settlement of Jamestown in 1619. These slaves helped with the creation of profoundly lucrative products such as tobacco. In this manner, it was absolutely a rural undertaking that would later provoke the presence of one of the chronicled treacheries done particularly to the African migrants. The issue took course during the sixteenth and eighteenth century American†¦show more content†¦Africans were less defenseless to numerous European ailments than Native American slaves. Starting in 861, a great part of the Caliphate was tossed into Civil War, and the Zanj accepted the open door to revolt between 869-883-1.5-2.5 million executed. After the Portuguese arrived, slaves were frequently exchange d for European products specifically firearms. The Portuguese utilized slaves on their Sugar Plantations in Sao Tome and Madeira. The Portuguese first conveyed African slaves to the New World as right on time as 1500 to take a shot at sugar estates, and they overwhelmed the early exchange. They were immediately supplanted by the Dutch in 1600 who initially foreign made slaves routinely into North America. They were supplanted by the English in the 1700s.The slave exchange produced an ever more prominent interest for slaves prompting to more wars between African tribes to keep up the request; journey from Africa to the New World. Considered the middle section of the triangular trade, also known as The Middle Passage. Slaves were payload and regarded all things considered. Frequently packed into boats and stacked on top of each other. On a few boats, they were either laid level and couldn t sit up. Anchored together with a team of around thirty people. Ailing health, congestion, and t errible sanitation prompted to many slaves passing on before they ever arrived. Dead bodies wereShow MoreRelatedHistory: A Study of Colonial America873 Words  | 4 Pagesmanifestations of the diversity of colonial life was in one of its most persistent and pervasive institutions: slavery. Slavery existed on social, cultural, economic, and political levels. 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